In any industrial compound, there is a lot of equipment that after some time needs a bit of TLC. Now with industrial equipment, you have regular maintenance and preventative ones. Both are equally important if you want your plant to operate at its full potential. When cleaning certain equipment, you have to have a professional team with the right tools for the job. This is where professional industrial cleaners step into the picture.
Today we will tell you why they are important and just how certain steps are carried from start to finish. If you are thinking about hiring professionals, stop thinking and just do it. No one else will do the job as professional, fast and with this amount of quality.
Every modern industrial cleaning service will have a top-notch modern fleet of industrial vehicles that are up to the latest standards and up to any task you put before them. One of these is the Kinetic Industry. Every respectable professional cleaning service will have at its disposal combo units, high-pressure units, chemical trucks, steam trucks and bundle blasters.
With this equipment, they can provide top-notch maintenance and turnaround service in plants during scheduled or unscheduled total or even partial shutdowns of a particular process unit or a plant in total. But it’s not all in the equipment there is some manpower behind it. Every professional should first do a site visit where a company’s professional team makes a sweep of the area and establishes which assets are up for cleaning. They will also directly work with your on-site crew to make the best possible plan which will represent both effective and efficient cleaning of the required item.
A good plan should consider all things, especially things like location and dimension of the item in need of cleaning as well as the degree of debris that needs to be removed. The plan should be based on this information, and cooperation with your on-site team produces several cleaning options that will be presented to you for your choosing.
The cleaning process

Now, every cleaning starts when the professional cleaning company arrives at your site with all of their equipment and manpower. Professionals will always consult your on-site team about the best placement of their vehicles and equipment on your property. They will also consult about any details of the job that might have been missed or emerged in the meantime, as well as potential hazards or complications.
After proper positioning of equipment near the object in need of cleaning they will set up all the preparation equipment such as chalk blocks, pylons and safety signs around the unit.
Another sign of the professional cleaning service is their industrial cleaning team and their protective gear and equipment. Every job carries a lot of hazards, especially these which is why professionals tend to invest in high-quality protective equipment for their crews. This includes rain suits, face shields, double hearing protection, personal gas monitors, and heavy-duty gloves.
Now depending on the job at hand, the crew will discuss the safety precautions after which they will approach the preparation of cleaning solutions if the job requires them to. They will also prepare an adequate cleaning device with the cleaning tips required to finish the job.
When talking about the industry, there are often needs to clean units like tanks for instance, and professional cleaning service will firstly have to drain the tank using their equipment after which a safety watch and confined space professional will have to be on-site as long as the cleaning job takes.
Another benefit of a professional industrial cleaning service is that they have upgraded their work so far that they don’t even have to expose their cleaning crew to the chemicals inside the tank. If you hire a professional, tank cleaning can now be done in a bit different way that is certainly more effective and more secure.
Cleaners now utilize high-pressure jets that they attach to their high-pressure pump or chemical unit. During the cleaning process, all shafts of the tank have to be closed and the high-pressure jet is inserted through either a secondary manway with a collar or the line must be fed through the top went off the tank. After the line is fed and it sits in the proper position around the centre of the tank it can be turned on to do its task. After it is done the line is pulled out and the crew enters the tank to ensure it has been properly cleaned.
If there is no way to do this without a crew, then they will physically enter the tank and with a high-pressure steam hose connected to the same equipment as the unmanned line. This differs a bit because you will have to have the manhole opened and a vacuum hose inserted inside for it to collect the debris and sludge. This here is the reason for all that quality protection of the crew. When exposing yourself to confined and poorly ventilated space all the protective equipment available is needed to ensure the safety of workers.
With professional cleaners virtually every tank, exchanger, treated and other process equipment can be cleaned with their equipment. The task is the same as previous from start to finish except for adjusting for size and position of the unit.
When the exchangers are in question two types of cleaning has to be performed – shell side and tube side cleaning. Now, depending on the position of the exchanger the cleaning process is done either horizontally or vertically. The cleaning process is done by inserting single, dual or quad line lances in the exchanger and they are controlled by the operator using a control box. The lances push a high-pressure liquid through the appropriate bit to clean all the tubes inside of the exchanger. The shell side of the exchanger can be cleaned utilizing the tank procedure or using the external bundle blaster. If it is done by the bundle blaster the exchanger will be disassembled and moved to the bundle blaster unit. Depending on the time and accessibility the company that hires the cleaning service will determine the best way to clean its exchanger.
So, after all, you have read you probably have no doubts about hiring such a cleaning service. With them, you are certain you will get the most quality and the speed you require during the preventative maintenance or the scheduled cleaning of your industrial equipment.
Make sure to thoroughly consult with them and see whit what equipment they operate and they offer in their services. A serious professional crew will come to you for an initial assessment and check out the situation before giving you your options. These are just some of the small things you have to look for to get the most of what you are paying.